We're excited to host CavClub members and UVA Basketball fans on February 25th at the Irving Theater in the CODE Building located on the downtown mall. The doors will open at 11:45 and lunch will be served thanks to Moe's Barbecue! The event will also feature a silent auction with UVA sports related items and experiences.
The UVA Men's Basketball Team will be attendance and available for autographs and photos at half time as the Hoos take on Louisville. Please register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uva-womens-basketball-watch-party-registration-827670042377?aff=oddtdtcreator
The event will be free to CavClub members, who can register for free using a code sent out via the CavClub subscribers newsletter.
If you are not yet a CavClub member, we encourage you to sign up here: https://virginia.lockerroomaccess.com/pages/cavclub
Please direct any questions to info@cavalierfutures.com!